Sweet Tooth is a sort of budget bud with a rich history and pedigree. It’s a hybrid variety that combines Indica cannabis from Afghanistan and Nepal as well as Sativa from Hawaii. The potency isn’t that awe-inspiring – only 16%, but at least it has long-lasting effects.
These include, in particular, a sense of euphoria and happiness. After that, it’s a gradual road to sleepiness and relaxation. In the medical aspect, it can be a powerful ally against several nasty conditions, but it’s most effective against pain, stress and anxiety – the usual.
If you want a few of these ASAP, you can buy weed online from us. This allows you to save money (thanks to our promotions and a generally more lenient pricing policy), which enables you to buy even more weed!
Elvis Demontigny –
Sweet tooth cravings…my kinda sugar…